Pink Scarf Winner
Congratulations to our Winner of the Pink Scarf is Jill !
I will be sending Jill her pink scarf soon !!!
Thanks to the many who did enter,
This was fun to see all of the responses and interest in the scarf !!!

We are preparing for "Witches on the Town" , Shopping Day, Today !!! Saturday 2 to 4 pm,
Dress as your Favorite Witch and walk through town visiting all of the Hosting Shops !!!

Enjoy Treats and Gift Baskets for the Lucky Winner,

My brooms are all lined up and ready
to fly.............
So, I am off to get Dressed and Shop,!
Do visit me in my shop if you happen to be in the area !
Thank you again for your Emails and
nice visits and kind comments !
Watch for our November and December Newsletter, with more recipe fun projects
and Give A Ways !!!
Until then , I wish you a Fun, Safe Halloween !!!
Thank You,